Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What's for lunch?

People are always making comments about my lunch at work.  Some of these comments are rooted in jealousy.  I mean *seriously* my lunches usually look pretty darn tasty.  Sometimes the comments are born out of misunderstanding.  Take the following conversation into consideration:

Co-worker:  What do you have for lunch Trisha?  Probably a big salad!
Me (smiling):  I have my big salad and some sweet potato and steak.
Co-worker (as she pulls her McD lunch out of its bag):  Wow, that’s a heavy lunch.  

Here’s what I didn’t say: Ha! I am sure my real/whole/balanced lunch will really weigh me down. Let me know how that McD lunch works out for you.  

In all seriousness, though, people are often curious about what I eat for lunch. No bread??? That means no sandwiches!!! No crackers or pretzels or chips or soda or granola bars or Special K bars or…???? How do you do it??? It’s actually fairly simple. Dinner = Lunch. I would say that 90% of the time, I eat leftovers for lunch. Rarely do I create something altogether new for lunch or use convenience lunch foods. I also usually make what Michelle of Nom Nom Paleo calls "emergency protein" which is ground beef or turkey with whatever veggies are in the fridge and seasoned however I feel like it. I occasionally take lunch meat or tuna salad but usually I pack up last night's dinner!  

Here’s a glimpse into what I take to work for lunch. Paleo focuses on plants and protein. That’s how I build my meals. If I get hungry, I eat more plants and protein. And I drink lots of water. It doesn’t have to be fancy-gourmet-artisan-exotic-ethnic-whatever-fare. Just real. Hopefully you can be inspired!  


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